Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where to start..

There is SO MUCH that I could blog about! The email I got at 1 pm last Thursday saying, "Stop eating or drinking!" from my midwife. Driving my cooler full of pee to the hospital, and feeling WAY cool walking in with it. The amazing nurses I had while in the hospital, because, oh yeah, I had the baby last Thursday! That email about eating and drinking should have clued me in. The rest of the day went something like this:

1. Receive email from midwife. Put down turkey & bacon sub I had just finished eating half of. Share with students, who all of a sudden think I am amazing. Email her back and pretend like I hadn't eaten since breakfast.
2. Tell my secretary that perhaps this means I won't be in Monday.
3. Stare at my students eating the rest of my sub and curse them, not so silently, under my breath.
4. Get phone call from nurse at midwife's office saying perhaps I should come in early.
5. Drive to hospital. Listen to world's best CD, "Prologue" by the Milk Carton Kids.
6. Have ultrasound. See that baby is BREECH. WTF? He was vertex like, yesterday! Bye bye VBAC!
7. Break down, sobbing, realizing that I will never have a "normal" delivery.
8. Have blood pressure taken. Yup, it's high. Shocker.
9. See midwife. Cry. She goes to talk to doctor. Doctor takes my head in her hands and says "Go to L & D".
10. Tell parents (in waiting room, thank god, and not in New Jersey!) that we're going to have a baby. They say, "RIGHT NOW?" and I say, well, in like an hour.
11. Call husband. Tell him that we are going to have a baby. He says "RIGHT MEOW? What about dinner?", and I say, well, in like an hour.
12. Send father to pick up Mr. M at daycare. Call daycare lady and say "We're going to have a baby, and yes, right now-ish."
13. Go to L & D where Lucy says "What are you doing here?" and I say, sighing, yet again, "I'm going to have a baby." The same "right now" routine goes on with her, then a couple of my most favorite nurses.
14. Get IV. Realize I'm going to have a baby. Start to freak out.
15. Take off at a sprint with my IV pole to the surgical suite. I know where I'm going, I go to L & D every other minute already. Jeannie K. has to hustle to keep up. I stop in the waiting room to give my mom her purse.
16. Laugh at Mr. M cleaning the tables in the waiting room with baby wipes. My daycare lady rocks. My kid cleans.
17. And it's showtime. 6:36 pm, time in. Dr. Toffy on anesthesia, Donna A. on baby, Jeannie K. on my left, Sharon on my right, Eileen the scrub tech. Dr. B on baby delivery, and Dr. L assisting (he wears size 6.5 gloves. This fact sticks with me for some reason)
18. I commence my stand up comedy routine to lighten the mood in the OR. Learn that all nurses in the room have the middle name Marie. I love those girls. Try not to watch the slicing and dicing in the reflection of the light pole on the ceiling. Fail miserably.
19. 7:10 Sweet Baby J enters the world! All 7 pounds 10 ounces of him!

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