Saturday, June 21, 2014

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine...

Alright, so maybe it's not quite MY summer yet. I told Mr. M that today was the first day of summer and I got the "I KNOW THAT MOMMY!" response. I was thinking his teachers were even more awesome until he reported that he learned it on the TV. Whoops. What matters is that he knows it, RIGHT??? Today we picked what I thought was twenty plus pounds of strawberries, but upon examining the receipt, it was actually 46 pounds- now that's the start of REAL summer. I have to work Monday- then I have almost two weeks off until summer school. I love summer school- it's short, fun, and not stressful! Even so, I have GOALS for my summer.

1. Learn how to make traditional pierogi, from scratch.
2. Get over my irrational fear of real canning. I can rock pickles and the like in the fridge- but this whole concept of boiling water terrifies me.
3. Decorate enough cakes to buy an extra fridge for said delicious pickles.
4. Spend six hours, served concurrently, at Good Harbor beach. Uninterrupted.
5. Lose 20 pounds. This has the same likelihood of actually occurring as number 4.
6. Get a bumblebee tattoo. The insect, not the Transformer.
7. Try to break addiction to tattoos. After my bee.
8. Stay away from red meat in the house until September 1. If we're at a BBQ, cool, but I am too reliant on it! Besides, bacon is pink, not red.
9. Actually take a freaking Zumba class. I think I would love it.
10. Commit to hiring a sitter weekly so I can take said Zumba class.
11. Harvest my squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes so I can make roasted tomato garlic sauce for winter, pickles, and just eat the squash!

That's all I have, for now! Somewhere in there I will do the curriculum planning for the fall- well, I'll do it the day before school starts, that is...