Friday, June 5, 2015


Perhaps I should have titled this post graduation day PART ONE, as I have two this year. Today was the graduation at my school, and in two short weeks, my nugget graduates from Kindergarten Prep. Since it's still today, I'll keep my thoughts there, as I have already cried ENOUGH.

I work in a therapeutic alternative school, with an eclectic, awesome, talented group of kids. We have rigorous academics as well as a huge focus on therapeutic groups, art, and music. The path these kids walk is one where they learn who they are, and how to love their true selves. I adore my job. I think the kids are awesome, and my team- well, we're a TEAM. Today we unleashed the graduating class of 2015 upon the world. It's a small class- six students- and their statistics rock. Three headed to four year colleges or universities, two already gainfully employed, one furthering their education elsewhere. Those are pretty amazing statistics. However, they say nothing about these kids- and what we do from 7:45 to 1:50 every day. One of our ninth graders painted a canvas for our front entry- "We're not just a school, we're a family". This sentiment is never more true than when we celebrate.

One of our seniors graduates has been with us for four years- her entire high school career. There is no staff in the building, no student in the halls, that doesn't know her. There will be a palpable void on Monday, as we all resume classes for another TWO AND A HALF WEEKS. These kiddos were an integral part of our world and today. POOF, they are done. While I shed many tears today, I know that they are ready for the next challenge, in no small part due to the hard work of our team. I wish them well, and look forward to hearing about their next steps in the future.

Now, I have to focus on the next class years- the kids that will grace the chairs in my classroom for another year- or with some of them, five or six years (we've got some really great middle schoolers too)! However, the graduates of 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, and 2010 are never far from my mind- it's the lessons I've learned with them that will allow me to continue to support and advocate for my future classes. We don't forget- and our resolve to continue to be agents of change in the lives of kids doesn't wane.

Today though? Today I cry happy tears with students, families, and coworkers- celebrating the progress, drive, and determination of six wonderful kids. I reaffirm my dedication to being a teacher, and guide, on their path.