Wednesday, December 14, 2011


It's totally the season of the credit card. People are shopping like crazy, overspending as usual, and doing their best to help our economy by spending money. I am like everyone else- a frenzied rush to get gifts ready for the appropriate people, even though I swore we weren't "doing gifts" this year, with Shrimp and all. And yet, here I am again. Luckily, we've been fortunate enough to help a few other families this season as well- through the generosity of my village we've donated mass quantities of diapers to a variety of diaper drives, purchased socks and undies for kids in transitional settings, heck, my husband even got a bike for a kid he heard about on the radio! It's not about the buying though- there are people in my village who are donating blood, or cooking for families with new babies (as the recipient of many meals, THANK YOU!) Even if there isn't extra cash there are people making sure to donate their unused hats, scarves, and gloves, so that less people are cold this year. I'm not saying that we can single handedly solve hunger or bring about world peace, but I think that our goverment should be run by a panel of moms. Honestly, I think we could get shit done. If a woman can tandem nurse twins and care for a three year old, all while keeping a smile on her face, I am guessing she could balance a budget no problem. If you can manage three kids under three, the military would be right up your alley. If a mom ran for president (and not someone like that moose hunting freak awhile back) I bet she would win in a landslide. The bottom line is that it's still way better to do things for other people. It's when we think of others that we get the best back in return. Before you form these lovely ideas about how giving and selfless I am, know that I bought Bubba a working vacuum and a Swiffer for Christmas, so he could do more of the cleaning around here.

I may have a philanthropic nature, but I'm not an idiot.

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