Friday, March 22, 2013


It's the week of oy in my world. A whole lot of drama in EVERY aspect of my life. I love my job. I love my team. I think my students are pretty fabulous. I mean, really, I have been teaching special ed for a long ass time. I started in 2000. That's 13 years ago. Aside from three years in a public school system, I have worked with some pretty intense populations. I have spent the past seven years working with kids with emotional disabilities- some of them, pretty freakin' severe.

You know what? I wouldn't trade it for the world. Except maybe yesterday at 2:15. It's just been one of those weeks. And then this evening? I realized I left Mr. M's antibiotics at his school. Which is now locked up tight for the weekend. Of course, I FB posted that I was a subpar mother. And within three minutes the director was texting me from ARIZONA that there are painters in the building and I could get in. By then, I had a refill at CVS waiting for me, but really? C'mon! That's dedication. That is the kind of "family" I am thrilled my children are a part of. You can't beat it. There was a teacher whose family encountered a fire overnight, and lost everything. I arrived at 4 pm, about twelve hours after the fire, with donations and what not. Let me tell you, there was SO MUCH STUFF already!!! Being a part of a community is SO important. In good times and bad times, THOSE are the people that have your back. Oh yeah, and they still love my kid when he throws sand (that was yesterday- he's going through an obstinate stage). That's what I want for MY students. I want them to feel like they are a part of a community (even if it's not their local schools- some of my kids are bussed for about an hour to get to us) and know that we have their back. That we CARE about their needs. That we understand that they are going to struggle with a capitol S. That they NEED the accommodations and modifications to learn. And that we genuinely LIKE them. That's why I do what I do. That's why I am excited to go to work every morning. That's why I will do this until the end of time. For all I know, some of the wee babes my kids play with might need a school like mine someday.

I'll be there, ready and willing. I might curse the day and pour a glass of wine at the end- but I'll still be there.

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