Thursday, April 20, 2017

Well, what now??

Hunh. It's "spring break". Other wise known as the week my kids are typically with their dad. Things change, people change, and that is no longer the status quo. I am trying really hard to let go of this- typically, I would be costuming a show for an awesome family theater company- but I had to let that go. I would potentially be having lunches and brunches with friends. Yeah, well, that's out.

Given that J is still just nine days post op- this year I was totally ok with keeping the boys with me. I didn't know how J would respond to surgery, if there would be complications. He did great, and was a miserable sack of sadness for a full seven days- again, anticipated.

Now I am understanding how some animals eat their young. I adore my boys- to the end of the universe and back again five thousand times. However, I think my brain might actually be melting.

That pretty much sums up my week.

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