Friday, February 8, 2013

My ass!

OK so if you live under a rock, let me catch you up- the northeast is getting swallowed up by a cute little clownfish of a storm named Nemo. Well, it's officially started. This morning was rather lovely- no work, kids at daycare/preschool, a yummy breakfast with hash browns! Around ten flakes started to fall but it was that dandruffy snow that just sort of falls every which way and blows around in the air. Fast forward one hour and I'm thinking, hmmm, better go get the kids NOW. It was yucky driving, but tolerable. Fast forward to right now. Well, Nemo, you can go f*&% yourself. It's cold, the snow is coming down in buckets, and it's NOT light and fluffy. It's more of a Scar storm, a Jafar storm, a sea witch Ursula (my friend Ursula is none too fond of her Disney Villain counterpart, so we'll leave her out). Pick pretty much any other Disney character. Nemo? REALLY? I could even see it being Sebastian- he has claws at least. Nemo the adorable gimpy finned clownfish has some serious teeth. I was outside shoveling AGAIN (because my husband seems to think he is headed to work for 8 am in the morning. Um. No!) and humming the "I'm dancing with myself" song- if you replace it with "I'm shoveling by myself" it really is quite catchy. Only one shoveler at a time- can't leave these kids unattended! Anyway, it sucks. I am not a fan. I am going to drink my wine and go the f&*# to sleep (say it like Samuel L. Jackson and I swear it sounds classy). I will probably dream about proper snow removal technique, as I just read "How to Shovel Snow Like a Man". Yeah, I know, I'm not a man, but it was rather entertaining anyway.

So everyone pour a glass of something (I know every single Massachusetts has AT LEAST a case- you were all in the packie with me this morning) and just go to sleep. This little clownfish is going to kick our asses, and we need all the wine sleep we can get!

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