Friday, September 20, 2013

On the eve of my 35 birthday...

OK, so maybe it's birthday eve eve, but really, who's counting? I will be thirty-five on Sunday. 35. An age I couldn't even conceptualize as a teenager, and here I am. As I was applying my spackle concealer today I thought "Wow, I never thought I would actually NEED to use concealer". As a list girl, this quickly grew into a list.

Realities that I Never Thought Would Actually Be My Life at 35

I would require concealer to make up for lost sleep.
I would actually be losing sleep.
I would choose being awake in the middle of the night OVER sleep because the house is SO. DAMN. QUIET.
I would go weeks without eating meat.
I would be single.
I would be so tired of "me" time- I love me. I love my time. Kind of over it.
I would be able to crochet a blanket that isn't hideous.
I would be able to actually make a meal with one hand.
I would still sit in the comfy blue chair with unidentified muck on it.
I would have TWO BOYS. Girls, yes. Boys? Uh uh.
I would LOVE having two boys.
I would actually consider ten more minutes of sleep in the morning a bonanza.
That sleeping in is staying in bed until after seven.
I would pack lunches at 5 in the morning and still be able to peel an apple.
I would spend more on babysitters than my haircolor.
I would abandon regular hair color.

There are so many other things, that I am sure will strike me as I stare down middle aged Saturday at midnight...

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