Friday, February 17, 2012

Addicted? Quite possibly.

These days I do daycare drop off- it makes the morning pretty ridiculous- hubs is up and out the door by the latest, 6:30 am. Sometimes the children are awake then, and sometimes not- luckily this morning everyone woke up and got dressed with a minimum of whining and tears. Good thing because there is an OPEN bottle of pinot in the fridge. Not something that would be at all helpful for my career advancement plans. In the car, and away we go. Everything is fine and dandy until I realized that I LEFT MY PHONE AT HOME. This would be no big deal to most people, but I have a serious addiction. Big time. That has been evidenced by the many things I could not do without it. In the span of three hours...
1. Pay bills. I can't pay bills without the app.
2. Email my boss about upcoming sick days. No calendar, so no way to know what days they are.
3. Check on an address I need to mail something to- FB is blocked and I can't access saved messages on it. 
4. Confirm the use of "QIS" in Scrabble for my honors ELA class. Yup, there's an app for that too.
5. Make my shopping list for the grocery store. Oh wait, I can. The Wegman's app will sync with my online account. YAY WEGGIE'S!!!!
6. Re-order the workbooks for third period- they have an app for that too- I just scan the bar code. 
7. Show a co-worker the video of Bubba wearing a box on his head and running into the wall.

Yeah, I'm an addict. I literally feel crippled without it.

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