Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dear GOP

Today is election day, which is awesome. My status of the morning was a dud, as I remember being awakened in 1992 the day after election day and upon learning of the loss of Clinton, sobbed and sobbed. Of course, Clinton WON in 1992, but the sentiment was still accurate! My mom reminded me of how when I was little when Reagan came on the TV I would cry inconsolably. I don't remember that but clearly I was politically motivated even at a young age. I do remember holding Clinton/Gore signs at the SuperFresh grocery store in Glassboro, NJ- wearing a plaid flannel shirt of course. C'mon, it was the nineties!!! So here we are many years later, and it's election time again. I have a vote, a voice, a choice, and I know who I will be casting a ballot for. Well, I think I do. Unless the GOP ponies up.

Dear GOP,
If you want my vote I need a couple of things. I will consider tossing my vote your way if you send me a nanny. Not just any nanny, I want SuperNanny. The British one. For at least a period of six years.
Very Tired Mommy

If you throw in a few sister wives to help with the laundry, then it's a done deal.

(please note- this post is written in jest-obviously my vote can't be bought!)

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