So today was our friend Thanksgiving- it was AWESOME of course. The food, the conversation, the wine- everything was LOVELY. In preparation though I had to drive all the way to Trader Joe's. I mean really, that's TWO towns over from work. It took me TWENTY THREE minutes. I kvetched about the anticipated trip all day. Dreaded it. Never mind the only reason I was going was to get wine! I got a bottle of this delicious stuff called Pinot Grigio Vivace for my birthday- it was fizzy like a prosecco but had a lovely crisp, citrusy finish. Like any good wine drinker I googled the brand and found out I could only get it at Trader Joe's- that was kind of lame but then I saw the price- $4.99. Yeah, that's right. Less than five bucks! Two bottles for the price of one bottle of Oyster Bay (which is still the most superior fantastic wine on the market don't misunderstand me- but not an everyday wine) and I was sold. Off to Trader Joe's I would go. Now that's a market that I totally don't understand- but I never shop there. It is always so hard for me to find stuff and some things are WAY cheaper but others (like capers!) are three times the price that they have at Weggie's. That and I always leave with way too many impulse buys just because of the workers in their Hakuna Matata style Hawaiian shirts. So I digress- I got to the store pretty quickly- no traffic- and busted straight for the wine section. I looked and looked and looked but couldn't find it. I finally asked the resident wino where it was and that's when he said it- "we're out", there are problems with our supplier. I almost lost it and started to get riled up until I glanced at the bottled water display.
It smacked me in the face right then- here I am worried about getting a preferred wine and much of the east coast is more concerned with finding potable water. Puts that in perspective, doesn't it? So I bought my second choice wine, a case of water, and smiled as I drove home- thankful for all that I have. My inner spoiled brat: 0. Rational thought: 1.
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