Friday, November 9, 2012


Today has been a rough day- my baby turns one tomorrow and it's bittersweet- going through the baby clothes I cried and cried at the loss of infancy. Then I woke up this morning and read about Kerri and her son Kai. My sentimental feelings suddenly seemed so trivial. You can read about their journey at Keiki Kai. I have been following the path that their life has taken since Kai's diagnosis of an optic glioma. This is a family preparing to say goodbye to their dear little one, only two years old. It is a process that no mother should go through, and yet many have. While I have only met Kerri a few times, this doesn't matter as my heart breaks for them. The strength that she has shown is inspirational to ALL mothers, whether they make their own baby food, cloth diaper, or make choices different from our own. The entire village of moms that we are both so lucky to be a part of is standing besides Kai, Kerri, and their family throughout this chapter of their lives. Hug your babies, your children, your mothers. Your husbands, sons, and fathers. Say a prayer, think good thoughts, light a candle- do whatever it is that you do to show support and sisterhood to fellow mamas.

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