Friday, November 23, 2012

Baby sitters

So my leg is royally screwed up. I fell down the stairs at work and as hysterical as I am sure it was to see, it also hurt a lot. I hopped up trying not to cry and busted to my car and for home because I WAS NOT GOING TO CRY IN FRONT OF MY BOSS. Nope, not going to do it. Then, because I'm stubborn, I waited three days to go to the ER. Yeah, I'm dumb, and REALLY stubborn. Oh well. That's not a surprise. So now I have a highly attractive boot to wear. My students figured out that I could accessorize it with velcro ornaments so at least it's entertaining to look at. I am still trying to finagle some lights and maybe a blinking red nose, a la Rudolph. That said, I am not as capable as I usually am. Today is "Black Friday" and of course, my dear husband is working a double- yup, that's 8 am to midnight. Sucks for him, and most of the time it's tolerable for me. Unless I am hurting and crippled. Then it SUCKS royally. You know what though? I finally listened to my mother (yup, she's a genius. No surprise there either!) and got a sitter. Not a sitter like wahoo I'm going out on the town or back to school night. A sitter as in my leg hurts a lot and I just want peace and quiet for a few hours kind of sitter. The kind of sitter who is available on short notice and straight up LOVES my kids. I have to tell you- she got J down for a nap (yup, one of my children NAPPED) and took M out for a bike ride- yes, he was wearing a helmet- no, he wasn't in a tow along death trap- yes, the tricycle has a handle. M LOVES Miss Karen. Adores. Talks about her. If I wasn't so well adjusted (cough cough) I would be jealous (big cough) and I. Just. Sat. Quietly. I read for a bit, I cooked a bit, but really? I reveled in the silence. I did feel a little selfish but my boys were thrilled and so was their mommy. I iced AND elevated my leg. I spoke to another adult. I felt refreshed. That's hard to capture as a mother to two as SO many of my friends can attest to. It was time that let me put myself first, which RARELY happens, and probably needs to happen a bit more.

In a month and time of my life where I am counting my blessings, Miss Karen is definitely one.

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful. So glad you have someone who loves your kids and you trust with them. Also, so sorry to hear about your foot. -Elaine
