Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Well, let's see- it's 10:30 at night, both Bubba and Shrimp are asleep, as is dear hubs. And yet I'm awake. WIDE AWAKE. My world has been rocked, and not in a good way. You know how you always assume that places will be in existence solely for your benefit? Like Filene's, or Strawbridge & Clothier, or even Borders? I like to live in a little fantasy world where everything good will remain, status quo. I like routine, and much like a toddler, totally dislike any disruptions. My world has been disrupted. My favorite place is closing (and no, I do not mean Disney World. That will never happen, right Disney Corporation? RIGHT?) and transitioning to do different things. Granted, the new incarnation will probably be wonderful and continue to help lots of mamas, but it will be different. I built my village with moms I met within its' walls- the people that love and accept the woman I am, the mother I aspire to be, and most importantly, my children. Yeah, I get to keep the village, but I am losing the physical space that feels so safe. We used to say that they must have piped in sedatives through the vents, our kids were so calm there (well, before them became two year olds- now I know that it's just because newborns are naturally sleepy!) Bubba learned to swim there, and rolled over in the pink room for the first time! My kids have both been naked there because mama forgot extra clothes a few times (they did have diapers on- I am not that delinquent!) On the up side, I guess I won't bother with birth announcements for Shrimp, because the only reason I was going to do it was so they could hang it up with all the other super cuties. I just am shocked, as I am sure many other moms are tonight. On to bigger and better for dear MoCo, but I still  sort of want to chain myself to their front door and wail, like the professional mourners they had in ancient Egypt, and rend my garments with grief. It won't really help, but it might make me feel better.

That and a bottle of wine should do it.

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