Thursday, December 22, 2011


I never thought that I would have very much to say about diapers, but lo and behold, here in mommy world, diapers are key. I bought Bubba those Santa diapers, and you know what? He hates them! NO DIPEY! NO DIPEY! Really, do they feel different from the ones you wear every day? They don't make them in size seven million so I'll never really know, at least, not for another thirty years or so, hopefully. It's a diaper for goodness sake. It goes on your ass and catches bodily fluids. It's not a fashion statement. Apparently red isn't his color. As a baby, Bubba HATED diaper changes. I had a wipe warmer, and used flannel wipes, and eventually it got better. He still won't hold still but if he's on the kitchen counter I can usually amuse him with something for the thirty seconds it takes. Shrimp, on the other hand, doesn't care about the wiping and cleaning, but the second that diaper gets opened and removed? He squeals. Logical really, it's got to be really, really warm in there with all that pee. The air is much colder, surely. He's a piece of cake though- doesn't express his opinion on the diaper, doesn't try to rip them off if I lined them up poorly- a champ. Bubba seems to be really into the diapers though. He is constantly talking about pee, diapers, potty, and poop. Most moms would be thrilled, as it probably means he's ready to start potty training. Unlike others, the thought of potty training gives me chills. If your kids are in diapers you can pretty much ignore their toileting needs when you are out and about, which I tend to be most of the time. You don't have to dump your cart at Wegman's and go bolting into the bathroom. You can just chuck them in the car and take off, and not worry about having everyone pee before you leave. Honestly, the price I pay for diapers represents freedom.

Potty training scares me more than the upcoming week without daycare.

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