So it's been QUITE a week. In short, I perforated both of my eardrums, have raging middle ear infections, and labyrinthitis. Yeah. It's ugly. I have had blood and pus dripping from both ears for almost a week now and it's still going strong. I don't think I have EVER felt so miserable. Sick enough to not even feel guilty calling out of work TWO days in a row. That's unheard of for me! Luckily, it's vacation week for ME next week so if I feel yucky I won't have to call out. Which is good, I have exactly .37 sick days left. That's not even an hour! Yes, My kids are going to school, every single day. Mamas need time too! I am going to get my hair done Monday morning, and hopefully spend a tremendous amount of time in the yard, especially in the "cage" (AKA fenced in toddler safe area). M calls it his "garden". It's pretty tricked out- picnic table, sandbox, cars, and even a mini slide. After Monday, however, it will be home to a climber AND a real slide! If you see me driving through town with a huge Little Tykes cube on my roof, make sure to wave! So far it has been a lot of raking and stick collecting. M is pretty good at that part, except he gets upset when we have to dump them in the woods. He wants to keep them in his garden, which is so not the point. I have raked out all the beds (and just made oodles of unsightly piles) ready to do some planting and pruning. I say that now- I foresee some TV watching too. I am also going to move all my craft stuff down to the office and move all the "extra" toys upstairs. After next weekend, the boys will have an actual play room! Really, it's for M to have some independence playing upstairs, since when he and J are on the loose together it never ends well. They love each other fiercely but need their own time! So I am feeling good- there's a sitter over right now digging in the sandbox while I "work" inside. And Daddy is home for dinner tonight (WAHOO!!!) and he even said we might GO OUT TO DINNER! Double wahoo!
I'm gearing up for a productive week. Honestly, not being able to hear might be to my advantage because I can't take on any extra duties if I can't hear them :)
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