Wednesday, November 9, 2011


There are some people that are really good at procreating. Like it's their job! Which I suppose, it soon becomes- if you have enough children to fully staff a restaurant, football team, or a small school, then you are going to be parenting for a REALLY long time! Think about it- if you have a baby when your oldest child is, geez, maybe 23 or 24, that makes for another 18+ years of full time parenting, so you're still "on duty" when you're 63. With an 18 year old. So you have will have been actively parenting for 42 years. FORTY-TWO YEARS. That's longer than most people work at their given profession before retiring. The concept of doing anything, everyday, for 42 years other than basic human functions like breathing, makes me itchy with panic. And we are talking about 42 years not drinking, yelling, swearing, or self-medicating in some other way. Forty-two years of HOME SCHOOLING. No "The kids are off to school!" relief for you! If you're a bad parent, then that's a looooooooong time to be ruining your children. Granted, you will be solely responsible for at least five clinical staff's financial success over the span of your tribe of childrens' therapy. If you're a good parent, then you're raising kids that are actually good citizens. Kids that are making society better, by volunteering, being respectful, playing music for others to enjoy. If you can afford to raise that tribe of kids, and do a good job of it? Go with your bad self mama, and procreate. Yup. I love that lady. Her hair might be a touch mullety but damn, 20 children? I wouldn't worry about how trendy my hair was either.

If alcohol wasn't banned by whatever religion they practice, I'd buy her a drink. 

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