Wednesday, November 23, 2011

My Kid is the Cutest

I know, we all say that. My kid is freaking adorable MOST of the time. I absolutely lose my mind, however, we he says pumpkin. I could cry it’s so adorable. I dedicated an entire day to capturing it on video and was finally successful, saving it to every media site possible to prevent loss. When I’m 75 years old I want to listen to that little voice saying “pun- keen” (that’s if I still have my hearing- it’s debatable now whether I actually hear most of what is being said to me- I am just discerning in my book) I make him say it every chance I get, driving out of the way to see billboards with pumpkins, and buying an excessive amount of books about Halloween just to hear that “pun-keen”. He says lots of cute things of course, like “triang” and “rectang”  (with an almost southern twang on the second syllables) for triangle and rectangle. The third syllable is just beyond his two year old ability I guess. I don’t care, it’s so damn cute!!!

I wonder when that will change- will I send him to kindergarten and have him be routed directly into speech and language services because he still says “pun-keeeeeeen”? You know I will prompt him to now say it the wrong way because of the cuteosity factor (no, that’s not a word. Deal). Will his math teacher call home questioning his geometric abilities due to the loss of that third syllable on rectangle? I can just hear that conversation now. “Ms. Baer, I’m sorry, but your son seems to struggle with some of the concepts in math, specifically labeling shapes.” My response, “Well Miss. I-was-born-yesterday-and-am-too-freaking-young-to-be-teaching, isn’t it adorable? Don’t you just love it?” to which her ass had better reply, “Oh, of COURSE,” or we will have issues with a capital I.

Yup, add language delay to the list of ways I have ruined my child forever.

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