So if you read my blog regularly, you know that my J had surgery this week at Mass Eye and Ear Infirmary. And yes, that's his surgeon in the picture. They are #1 in the nation for the second year in a row, and now I know why.
Arrival time was 8 am. With traffic, we left at 5:45 am and got there around 7:30. Checked in on the 10th floor, peds. Waited about twelve seconds and then we were called back- vitals checked, scrubs issued to me and J (who wound up never wearing them THANK GOODNESS! My kid has serious anxiety, especially around clothes). We were then assigned a ROOM. Like a real hospital room with a bed, and a bathroom, tv, nurses, windows, everything. J was completely enamored with the window shades and that amused him for a good hour. No sitting in a waiting room for 2+ hours. We could all have a home base.
April 11th was really hot in Boston. Nearly 90 degrees according to Hyperion, JB's trusty car. I thankfully thought ahead to the wearing of scrubs and wore leggings as opposed to a skirt. Thank goodness I did because those scrubs were unforgiving. Pants fit fine- but the shirt? I walked out to the nurses station to see Carlene the charge nurse- and she looked at me and laughed- "It's the boobs, right??". Yes indeed. This wonderful woman grabbed me a scrub shirt that actually allowed for boobs. Next challenge. Getting J into his hospital issue jammies- this resulted in a dose of Versed the last time he had surgery in November, as he HAD TO WEAR THEM. This time? Angelic charge nurse Carlene again to the rescue- "Doesn't matter- if it's stressing him out then forget them".
We just hung out until 10:10- then I took J down to the surgical floor in my appropriately fitting scrubs, and him in his regular shark t-shirt and green shorts. Pre-surgical was where the magic started to happen. The anesthesiologist happened. She got J. She saw the shark shirt and pulled out her phone and showed him a video she took scuba diving. He fell in love with her! Brianna the child life specialist happened. I totally anticipated the gnashing of teeth and the claws coming out- but she played with him on the floor while I put my booties and cap on. He got to smell all of the potential anesthesia scents, and decided on a smorgasbord of EVERY SINGLE ONE in his "scuba mask". I met with the surgeon, and then J climbed into a Power Wheels car and got to "drive" to the OR. If that isn't child centric, what is???
Upon entering the OR, the ugly started. J didn't want to lie down. So the lovely anesthesiologist pulled out her phone again, and played the scuba diving video- while Brianna gave him his "scuba mask"- no fighting, no fear- J drifted off and I was out the door.
Surgery felt like forever. It went very well, and it was discovered that his adenoids had developed a bacterial infection (like I had suspected) and were drastically impacting his breathing and ears- hence the sleep apnea and the frequent ruptures- they weren't from his ears but from pus and fluids trying to get out. Cue my total anger that the hospital in November told me "adenoids don't grow back". If they had LOOKED my kid could have been spared nearly five months of anxious misery.
Then PACU (post anesthesia care unit)- always the ugliest phase- when it's working it's way out of little bodies it's a lot like a WWE wrestling match. Hitting, scratching, biting, head butting- it took a few of us to keep J in the bed- and finally we went back to his room. It was still ugly there but NOTHING like in the PACU. The IV pissed him off to no end because it was on his thumb sucking hand. Eventually he calmed and fell asleep on me in the chair- he had tolerated some italian ice and a few sips of water. Kiddos have to stay on the floor for at least two hours upon release from the PACU- and once that time frame elapsed and he was still asleep JB went to find a nurse- so we could get that IV out while he was asleep. Apparently I was like the first parent ever to request this and the nurse was all "what a great idea!". IV out, still sleeping. Load into stroller, still sleeping (and I am super grateful I brought the stroller which has been sitting unloved for three years) and out to the car.
Bottom line, while J is still recovering and not feeling great, I am so FLIPPING impressed with the care he received at Mass Eye & Ear.
That said, my eating and exercise routine is in a tailspin- keeping under my calorie count for the day, but the exercise is a fail- and that's totally ok. This week has been about my kiddo and not my fat ass.
Next week, concerns over said fat ass shall resume.
I'm so glad you're over this now and that it all went so well! You're awesome! Lots of love!