My work is stressful. I work with kiddos grade 6-12 with disabilities. 99% of my time is spent in the MS with kiddos from grade 6-8. I adore my kids. They rock. Even when they are amazing, there is stress. Meetings, etc. I have that handled and work is my happy place. Today our art teacher set up an amazing paint class after school for staff. You know, like those paint night things? Only difference is that our wine glass had grape juice it in...I was ten minutes in- feeling super zen, enjoying spending time with my coworkers- and my freaking phone did the buzzy buzz. I ignored it the first time. Big kid was getting off the bus with Allison, so I knew he was good. Little was already with Allison. Grabbed a yummy snack and go ready to learn to paint some lilacs, my favorite flower. Looked at stupid phone. Big kid's school. THREE TIMES. That requires a call back, clearly.
Long and short? My kid puked. In the one space in the school with carpet. I feel like I need to send flowers to the custodian! Not just his usual someone did something gross gag, which is par for the course and I don't even get a call about anymore. A real, I am sick, puke. Sigh. Leave happy Zen paint class to get kid, who is fairly miserable but not horrible. Get kid #2. Go home. Kid #1 falls asleep on the couch, only to get up and get sick EVERYWHERE. On the few square feet of carpet I own. Sigh. Not fun. Put him to bed and now kid #2 won't go to sleep. My brain is shorting out because I need to generate and email sub plans, and figure out how to work meetings via phone- how fast can I hit the mute button if vomit occurs?? (EDITED: he totally puked during the meeting and no one heard it).He's finally asleep after two hours of snuggling.
I so want to go to bed. And I can't. I have reports to read, exercise to do, more onions to saute (because god forbid I don't get my serving of turmeric onions in a day!), and more reports to read.
Why so many reports? Both kiddos have their initial IEP meetings Thursday.
Honestly, I just want to go to sleep. I am still chugging my water- I got my 165 ounces in today, and am feeling good. I am just going with that for tonight. Fingers crossed I wake up with still only one puking family member!
And a lovely update- Kid #2 fell to the puke bug Wednesday night, with his mama right behind on Thursday. Thankfully, it was a fast moving bug.
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