How many times have you thought that? I just don't know how she...homeschools- works- bakes- cleans- runs- showers? The fact of the matter is that we all think that at some point. I look at some of my friends and am consumed with jealousy- they're freaking adorable. Hair done. I think- "I just don't know how she looks so pulled together". At the same time, she is wondering the same thing about another mama- "I just don't know how she always has fresh baked bread- I can barely make chicken nuggets". The real message here is that we are all incredulous. Being a mom is no easy task- there is the provision of regular daily needs- food, water, etc. I got that DOWN. Then there is the other stuff. I don't give a flying rats behind if my floor is sparkling- I'd rather make cookies with my kidlets. Yet another mama is willing to have clean laundry folded and put away, but hasn't had a good shower in weeks. It just doesn't matter. We can work harder, sleep less, craft more, eat less, run more- and we still might not be happy. No one person can get it all done, while raising happy, healthy, loving children. We've got to just let it go. Hell, I am doing a 5K in four months and the farthest I have run EVER is to the end of the driveway to catch an escapee toddler. You know what? That's ok. I don't NEED to be fastest. I don't need to WIN. I need to have fun with my friends. I want to enjoy my life. I'll find the strength I need in the moments I so desperately need it. You get to a point where you just have to trust the universe. Second guessing your choices isn't worth it. Playing the comparison game isn't worth it (mainly because you WILL. ALWAYS. LOSE). It's time for women, and mamas in particular, to just recognize that no one person can do it all. Women are stronger than freaking donkeys after all- we can just get shit done. However, when we don't, it doesn't mean we have failed.
It only means we are still trying, and tomorrow is a new day.
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