It's no secret I am getting divorced. What is a secret, is like, ummm, everything else. When you are trying to ensure that your children are cared for, protected, and safe- EVERYTHING is a big, fat, secret. Not really, but you really watch what you say to whom, and when. As a result, I have been the anti-blogger. My inner conversation "OOOOOH that would be a great blog post!!!": "Wait, that is PRIVATE.". Yeah, well, I suck at that. Bottom line, Holden Caulfield had it right- whatever comes out of your mouth is really no longer yours. Lesson learned. But ANYHOO... I can still write about how freakin' adorable my kids are. Mr. M is in Pre-K 1. That basically means he misses the cut off and will spend a year and a half in Pre-K 2. It's cool, he loves it. My kid is going to be SO ready for actual school by the time he goes- he already tells me he's ready for high school and I should drop him at Algonquin. Ummm, no. You're four. They won't wipe your a&% when you don't make it to the potty in time. Oh, and there is no recess. Or snack. Let's conquer Zeh first. Elementary school is first. That said, my little J-Bird is almost TWO. Scary. He acts like he's 20. He picks up the trash, unloads the dishwasher, alerts me to any "yuckies" that might me around (needless to say he spends half his time shouting "YUCKY"). He's also a light sleeper since his surgery this summer. It's a good thing because he can now HEAR and BREATH. But he also now wakes up. I hear him, of course, because even without a monitor, no mother can actually sleep through "Momm-meeeeee I WET! Momm-meeeeeee I want baba! Momm-meeeeeee I need DAT (referring to the boppy he sleeps with, after I pull it out of the crib because I am SURE he would suffocate himself) Momm-meeeeeee bum bum YUCKY". Seriously. My two year old wakes up, and wakes me up, to alert me of his needs. Bum bum yucky translates, of course, to a poop. Yeah, buddy, deal with it. But no. His "bum bumm YUCKY" and he needs a change NOW. That said, once I actually meet his needs, he shouts "bye bye mama I go baba night night."
Thanks kid. I wasn't sure what to do at two in the morning, other than go night night. Freshie.
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