I just don't know what to do with my time... weird, hunh? These days I feel like I have nothing but time. Mr. M & J have reacted very favorably to the major life change and are playing together better, sharing, helping with chores- my house is organized, happy, and smells good- my fridge is stocked with happy, healthy food- NOW WHAT? The boys finally have a routine that works for us (yeah, falling asleep on the couch works for me for the moment!!!) and I have TIME. I have reupholstered, made new curtains, cleaned, organized, painted, scrubbed, crocheted, needlepointed, baked, and developed a bomb ass recipe for low calorie roasted garlic dip/spread/sauce. Again, NOW WHAT? Granted, in the evening, I'm tied down as I don't think Mr. M is certified as a baby sitter yet. Maybe in a few months, but for now, I'm the adult on call. Even so, I now have four hours a week to do SOMETHING. Granted, it's not usually two full hours as the boys typically arrive home on the early side, or things get cancelled- but it's so much more free time than I have had in the past four years combined, I am at a loss. What now? Seriously, what do I DO? This is not a major problem, of course, and one I am blessed to have. I need to find a hobby that I haven't already mastered, or a place to volunteer. Pinterest is getting tired of me pinning projects and moving them into the completed file. It's frightening how I used to just putz around, watch TV, nap- now every moment I want to maximize.
Except for the moments scrubbing toilets. Those I want to speed up.
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