Monday, June 10, 2013

Germs are pretty rockin'

So yes, I went strawberry picking the other day. It was awesome. What wasn't awesome was watching a daddy take out a bottle of water and wash every strawberry his kid tried to eat from the vine. And then he pulled out freakin' alcohol hand sanitizer and sanitized the maybe 18 month old kids hands after each berry. Really? That's ridiculous. I have seen mamas use that stuff on their babies' BINKIES before. Ummm, do you know what is in that shit? Triclosan, and some other stuff. Look it up on the EWG Skin Deep website. It ain't pretty. How is having that in your kids system better than some germs? Last time I checked, some germs are good for you- kids that live in bubbles don't develop rockin' immune systems. Not to say they never get sick, because that's inevitable. If I have to choose between ethyl alcohol, triclosan, isopropyl alcohol, ethylene glycol, isopropral myristate, and "carbomer fragrance" and dirt? I pick dirt. My kids were sick as dogs this past winter- fevers that hit 106.1 and 105.7 respectfully. Initially, I FREAKED out. Went to the ER and everything. You know what? They can't DO anything. Yes, I could give Advil- but really, unless your kid is miserable, it's not worth it. Fevers mean their immune systems are WORKING. Brain damage doesn't result from the fever, it comes from some of the more horrendous sicknesses, like meningitis, that cause such fever. If they have the regular old flu, the fever isn't going to do jack other than increase wine sales (for the mommies, obviously- if Sauvignon Blanc cured fevers that would be an added bonus!) I am far from crunchy, but even I refrained from excessive baby ibuprofen use during the sick times. It was hard, but worth it.

Don't even get me started on sunblock. Some of that shit is scary as hell.

1 comment:

  1. Sing it sister! My husband has a LOT in common with that daddy who washed every berry and sanitized after each bite. It's a fight we have almost every single time we take the kids out in public!! His mom is such a germaphobe she barely leaves the house. Thankfully it's too far for them to drive for visits, and they would never EVER stay in a hotel or take an airplane.
