So I know that many of you read my blog, and have been also reading my friend Kerri's blog and are aware of the passing of her son, Kai. Obviously losing a child is the hardest thing ANYONE, parent or not, can think of. Sadly, this does happen. Forty-six children are diagnosed EVERY DAY with cancer. I don't know the statistics on survival, but not every child diagnosed survives. Grief can take many forms- tears, denial, complete depression. It can also spur action, and in the case of some dedicated mamas who I am lucky to count myself among, it did here in central Massachusetts. We created Kai's Village to provide support, both emotional and financial, for families dealing with childhood cancer. Last weekend we held a Holiday Market to do just that- raise funds through raffles, bake sales, and vendor fees. Literally, it was three weeks in the making. THREE WEEKS. Think about what you can accomplish in three weeks. I can start a book unit at work, perhaps clean a closet or two, depending on the plans of the children, and not much else. I could surely sail to England, but I've never tried. In three weeks this group of dedicated mamas (and quite a few dads too!) pulled off a market that was extraordinary. It was packed all day long- volunteers and donors came out of the woodwork, and it was nothing less than wildly successful. In the organizing and planning for this event, it brought a team of women even closer together than we already were. These are moms that are not "like" me in many ways- but it honestly didn't matter one bit- we had a common goal. It also reminded me how much I love those women- and how much I enjoy being with them, even if one of us got a little fiesty- and really, with almost 200 raffle prizes, it was bound to happen- it didn't change the way we care for one another. I needed that reminder- it's not necessarily about who is similar to you, but who knows and loves you for who you are.
Margaret Mead nailed it "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." And will keep doing so.
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