So a few times over the past few days I have had people tell me I look exhausted. I don't feel particularly tired, but apparently I sure look it. Really, if I had long enough to think about it, I probably could use a nap. Even garnering the time to have that thought seems to escape me. My boys are incredible, don't get me wrong, but wow, so needy! Shrimp is three months old- isn't he able to feed himself yet? I mean, REALLY! Let's rework those milestones- feeds self, dressed self, soothes self, changes diaper- those seem to be far more valuable skills than reaching for inanimate objects or turning his head towards a sound. What good do those things do me? Bubba is another story. While he CAN do things himself he is slam dunk in the middle of a super obstinate phase, where anything reasonable is intrinsically evil and will therefore not be done. Unless, of course, anyone else asks him to do it. Perhaps that's what I really need more than a nap- a total stranger that has only one purpose- to tell Bubba to put on his shoes, and get his jacket. NOT to run down the driveway to get to his girlfriend's house (which is another story completely- I really thought I had more time before THAT phase) and to get in the car when we leave daycare- as opposed to running into the muddy backyard and going down the slide into a puddle. Never mind the sight of me trying to catch him in wobbly work shoes while carrying the bucket. It's pretty ugly. Unless you somehow don't like me (which I think is probably impossible) and then it's HYSTERICAL.
So yeah, you could say I'm exhausted- aren't all moms?
the other day I got less than 3 hours sleep and forgot to put on any make up. It was v-day and I also wore black head to toe and had a pony tail b/c I was too tired to do my hair. I felt I was definitely not showing the love that day. I think you look wonderful and the fact we get to work on time is a miracle....make up, jewelery, ironed clothes, matching clothes, clothes without stains, no bags under our eyes..that is all a bonus.