Saturday, March 7, 2015

Food, glorious food!!

I love food. Y'all know that. I cater, and bake, and am, in general, a crazy foodie. I just bought tickets for a farm to table dinner that isn't happening until the END OF JULY. I was so nuts to get them I harassed my friends via social media, texts, pictures, and phone calls to see if they wanted to go- I drew the line at sexting images of cabbages though...

Either way, I really, really, enjoy good food. I have recently embraced golden beets- and I totally blame my mother, and the California Grill at the Contemporary Resort in Disney World for this new addiction. I can't get enough of them. I roasted 12 last weekend, and they were gone by Wednesday. Some goat cheese, candied kumquats, and pecans? OH HELL YES. Amazing. California Grill blew my mind. I learned that I don't like pork rillettes even though I really should, considering the ingredients- and that I would probably throw someone into traffic for duck liver pate with black sea salt. Yup. I would. Hate me. I'm clearly a horrific person. If you've had it, you would probably do the same. I can also cook- I can whip up some pretty damn good fare. This weekend, however has been all about cakes. I had a Bar Mitzvah cake and cupcakes, and a third birthday to get done. Thankfully, I have friends that help me in a pinch! Love the way the Bar Mitzvah cake turned out... even though I had to make it twice because I dropped it. Stupid matchbox cars!!!

All of this deliciousness aside, let's get real. We need food to sustain us- our bodies need healthy foods to make them work (thanks to all of the Curious Kids teachers that have taught my kids this!!!!) There are millions of people in the United States alone that can't afford to just jet into the market and spend five dollars on a container of organic raspberries (hell, myself included- it seems like such an extravagance). If you are reliant on food stamps, or SNAP, benefits, your daily food allotment boils down to FOUR. DOLLARS. A. DAY. Yes, stop and absorb that. That includes drinks, etc. If you're a bottled water snob, guess what??? NO FOOD FOR YOU. I am a very, VERY, lucky mama. I can afford to provide my kiddos with healthy foods (but no freaking raspberries- I mean C'MON!!!) and occasional dinners out. If I had to rely on a SNAP or food stamp ration, we'd be eating chicken nuggets and canned corn every single day. 

It's Lent. I'm not a Catholic, so I'm not up on the specifics- but I do know that people give up stuff, and grow stronger spiritually, and what not. I am all for strengthening yourselves (as long as no weight training is actually involved, of course), so I have enjoyed hearing what people are "giving up" for Lent. I have a college friend, Stephanie Jussaume Peddicord (no relation to Nana Hannah and Pepe next door BTW!) who has adopted a rather unique Lenten challenge. She's going to eat only what someone reliant on food stamps, pantries, and SNAP would be able to eat. Four dollars a day. She's blogging this, and it is incredibly eye opening. Stephanie has partnered with HungerworX- and her goal is to raise fund to help people that are hungry. Not that "oh geez I really want that Wegman's chocolate tarte but it's eight bucks" hungry, but for families and individuals that are truly struggling. I can sit here in my nice warm house, in suburban Massachusetts, and wax and wane about my issues (umm, my toilet did explode this morning!) but bottom line? My children have food. I have food (have you seen my ass? Food is NOT my problem). So yeah, I made a donation. It's not going to shatter records for philanthropic giving, but it's something. I challenge you ALL to do something to make a difference in someone's life- you want to be hands on? AWESOME. Email me. I'll give you an organization to cook for. Donate food you've bought but won't get to. THINK about what you buy, and the waste we so often create. 

And if you are so inclined? PLEASE consider making a monetary donation to HungerworX

I'll climb off my soap box now, and go stuff my face with roasted beets.