Monday, April 14, 2014

Why, yes, I'm a single mom...

Yup, that's me. Single mom. Raising two rambunctious boys. Yes, I work. Yes, I still have some ratchet semblance of a social life. More importantly, I'm doing it, and making it work. Granted, I just spent three hours rocking a feverish nugget because he just wanted his mama- and that's beautiful. When is the last time you got to devote three full, uninterrupted hours to someone you love? Let's be honest- that's what I am telling myself because I am freaking exhausted and covered in fever-toddler sweat; and I'm truly trying to find the bright side. Even so, it's what my baby needed in this moment, and that's what he got. When you work and parent so many things can slide by the wayside. That brings me to my revelation of the night (early morning?). I just watched that soon to be viral video where people apply to be director of operations for an unnamed company but it turns out they were applying to be moms- I sobbed at the end, as did many of those they interviewed- it touched a chord in me. I'm a halfway decent mom, because I had a WONDERFUL one. I couldn't even pretend to mother my two without the mothering she gave me. I was not a delightful child- I was a straight up pain in the ass a lot of the time. My snow suit was "uggy". I had to have the SHINY red shoes. My mom taught me how to just BE. My life just IS. I can't dwell on what isn't there- I can rely on the direction I was raised with- be a good person. Love others. Do for others. Take care of the people of the world.  For all of the sass I brought, my mom countered it with genuine love, devotion, and reality. She taught me that there are bigger things than the small things- and that it's not a competition (although as the recently crowned CAKE BOSS I'm pretty competitive these days). When we do it together, it works. When we share with others, we all win. Bottom line, love wins.

Which brings me to my real point- yes, I'm a single mom. Am I doing it alone? Oh hell no. I'm doing it with the wisdom and support of my parents- and my friends, and my colleagues- no mom is truly alone. It might feel like this deserted island where you need a freaking buff from Jeff Probst to handle the in and outs- but as tired, cranky, and downright ratchety (a term my students have used to refer to my less lovely days- which I think they are inventing, of course) as I may be some days?

I'm not alone. I have my people. And they make it possible, to be the mama my boys need- even in the middle of the night- even when they yak down the inside of my shirt. Yup, even then.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why, yes, I can cook something vegan...

I love bacon. It's almost as amazing as my mom. ALMOST. However, when a friend tears her achilles, and she's vegan and gluten free, you add some dishes to your repertoire. This one's a super winner. Everyone who has tried it loves it- as do I! Do the kids eat it? Well, no. But I know OTHER people's children adore it!

Cashew "Mac & Cheese" Sauce

(don't try to pretend it's actually cheesy- it has similar tang and is delicious in it's own right!)

1 cup raw cashews
1 cup vegetable broth (or chicken if you're not vegan!)
3 cloves garlic
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 tbsp miso paste (mine was pretty mild so I used 3)
1 canned chipotle pepper, seeded OR five shakes from Chipotle Cholula

Soak cashews in water for at least an hour. Drain liquid and pop into food processor or Vitamix. I don't have a Vitamix so food processor for me! Add the rest of the ingredients and blend like crazy. Let it go- and no, not the Disney song- just let it bust out creamy goodness for a few minutes.  Cook some pasta, and throw in some frozen (ha ha TWO Frozen references in ONE blog post!) veggies or sauteed fresh veg.  If you are doing frozen, toss it in the pasta pot when it's ALMOST done. If it's fresh and already hot, just leave it to the side. Drain pasta and veg, then stir in sauce. If you have done the fresh veg route, toss them in too.

This s&^% is delicious. Super yummy. And SUPER healthy. Google nutritional yeast- you'll see.

Oh, and I just saw a pig fly by my window- with his bacon intact.