Saturday, October 27, 2012

Parents & Kids

So this is sort of political, but sort of not. There is a candidate in this election who appears to be overly concerned about parents- who is parenting, how many of them, and is sort of stuck on this one mom, one dad, married situation. Yeah, that's what families were traditionally like, but really? It doesn't always work out like that. I am a lucky woman- I was raised in a loving family that instilled in me confidence and good values, as well as the importance of being able to take care of myself (when I am sick though all bets are off and I want my mommy- NOW!). Now that I am a parent with two pretty spectacularly amazing little boys, I am even more confused as to why a politician would give two ducks who is parenting. Let's get real- there are thousands of unloved, uncared for children in this country. There are kids that are abused, neglected, belittled, and perhaps worst of all, unloved. These are the children that I want my elected officials to concern themselves with. I certainly don't have an answer, but am pretty sure forcing women to bring unwanted children into the world is NOT it. Suggesting that two moms, two dads, and single parenting situations are the problem? Um, no. Families are not created by a legal marriage certificate, or anything other than love and the desire to raise another generation of inclusive, loving children raised with the common value that no one can determine what is moral or amoral when it comes to that love. I know some married male/female parents that kind of suck. I am sure there are some same sex couples that kind of suck as parents too. Being a crap parent can happen to anyone, and for fleeting moments even. We've all been there, at least for a bit. My kid's Jack O' Lantern is really ugly, probably because I refused to let him do the carving (mommy really likes that kind of thing!) and at that moment, I sucked. My J Dog is currently caterwauling as I think of other examples of my sucktasticness. I let my three year old sleep in my bed when dear hubs is working late because I am just too tired to go through the bedtime antics by myself.

Next thing you know politicians will be making comments about my family too. It's a slippery slope.

Friday, October 26, 2012

More politics

I am still thinking about my post this morning on politics and I have a few more thoughts.

-If you are a woman and NOT voting with me, I have a serious question as to your true gender, and what decade you think we are living in.
-Hey teachers who I might work with? If you are NOT voting with me then are you saying you would like to double your class size? I can send you my kids if that's the issue.

Yeah, if you are going to vote for a big fat bully go for it. Don't freaking cry to me if your world gets rocked if enough fools are thinking like you.

Halloween Vomits

Halloween has puked on my entire life. It's a side effect from having Halloween being canceled last year due to the happenings of Snowtober- and then we had a freakin' Snowpocalypse. It was ugly, really ugly (for proof, read this) and Halloween was totally ruined. I was also incredibly pregnant and lazy- decorated NOTHING, made no costumes, and was a general failure as a mother and Halloween aficionado. I swore this year was going to be different- I would actually be prepared for my kid's birthday parties (so far I am one for one!!!), I would decorate, I would get the tree up for the holidays (oh and take down the garland and Christmas lights from LAST year), and bake. So far, I've been pretty on task. My house, car, classroom, and brain look like Halloween ate mass quantities of pumpkins, bats, ghosts, witches, and candy corn- and then upchucked. My children have not one, but TWO homemade Halloween hats- numerous shirts, socks, pajamas sporting pumpkins, and multiple costumes (only one of which I made by hand). I am currently running a sweatshop producing tutus as well. I taught myself to crochet hats just so that my children could have (im)perfect pumpkin hats. I can't size things well so it's like a pumpkin patch of hats- even Goldilocks could find one that fit. Instead of learning how to make the right size, I just kept making them until one fit everybody. Yeah, stay tuned for an etsy sale. I can see the listing now "Hideous Handmade Hats- One Size Fits Somebody Somewhere". That's going to head to regretsy RIGHT away! We have carved pumpkins, painted pumpkins, dropped pumpkins, eaten pumpkin cookies, cake, pie, seeds, coffee, and bread.

This morning the peppermint mocha made it's initial appearance at Dunkin. Thank God. I am pumpkin'ed out. Not sure what the hell I am going to do November 1st- maybe move on to Christmas?

F&^%$&*# Politics

This election is making me INSANE. I can't believe the idiots that actually walk among us and their skewed views. Let's be clear- if you don't agree with me YOU ARE JUST WRONG. Yup, I'm close minded. Yup, I am pro-choice, but not in major elections. There is ONE choice. My choice. If you are not going to agree with me then I don't really want to discuss politics with you at all because I will say insane things and lose my mind temporarily. I am not totally interested in losing people I like just because of their political leanings. Granted, I sort of want to have an intervention for them, but I don't know that TLC has come out with that show yet. I would totally watch it if they did. I have a few people that I would nominate for it too. I work with a few people that would be eligible for a political intervention and it's starting to get UGLY. November 7th has the potential to be ugly.

Thankfully, Canada is a lovely country, and if there are enough people that insist on being wrong, that's where you will find me.


So apparently my brain shuts down in early summer and just begins to re-emerge in October. Not really sure why, but it's as if the summer melts any drive I have to accomplish pretty much anything. My summer was great and there was plenty to write about (like the mystery of the missing Jane & Jack swimsuit- now that was a travesty) but did I? Nope. I say on the back deck and taught summer school and went to Cape May and other such pedantic summer offerings. There were highlights of course- Disney World, birthday parties galore, the best pulled pork EVER (yeah, that's you Greg!), and lots of naps! HA. I am totally kidding of course. There was no napping. Why would anyone ever think that?

Now you poor readers are in for it though- my brain is on over drive and I have plenty to say, not all of it entertaining or relevant!