Friday, August 31, 2012


So I just realized that I haven't blogged in like, four million years. Summer has a way of getting me so off task. You'd think I could laze about eating bon bons and blogging, but no. I didn't even make it to the beach (by myself, with NO kids) once, which was my major goal of the summer. Sad, yes. I wish my toddler actually enjoyed the sand, but so far, it's a no go. Ironically when I pick him up at school I have to pry him out of the sandbox kicking and screaming.

Yes, I said school. Mr. M is a full fledged preschooler now, so I guess the toddler days are behind us. At some point maybe the toddler behavior will be behind us too? I mean, a girl can dream!!! His entrance into preschool has been pretty smooth, especially considering we moved J-Dog over to the same center so it's only one drop off in the morning. Mr. M loves it and begs to go to school, even on weekends! He adores his teacher Miss 'Nessa (Vanessa is apparently way too long a name for him) and likes to tell stories about her. Last night she lived in a castle with three frogs, a goat, and a cow. The castle was on top of horse mountain, and the chip truck came to bring Miss Nessa lunch. Yeah, he's not exactly Dr. Seuss- yet. Oh, and she was "sickwy" and turned all purple. It's those details that kill me. J-Dog seems to like his room too, and likes to crawl over to crying babies and pat their faces. Melt.

The thing that astonishes me the most? Getting the kids out of the house by 6:15 is actually EASIER than trying to get out at 7:15! I don't know what it is, but morning has been so smooth and I've been able to get coffee AND arrive at work on time at 7! This morning was a double turbo shot morning...insomnia is so not my friend.